Canton Food Pantry Re-Stock

Canton Food Pantry Re-Stock
As you may know the Canton Food Pantry is stocked by items that we purchase thru the Greater Boston Food Bank and with your generous donations. At this time there are items that we are unable to get from the GBFB and need your help to stock the shelves for our clients

Breakfast Cerels
Juices – all kinds
Baking items – cake & brownie mixes, frosting etc.
Tuna Fish – canned
Mac & Cheese
Snacks – i.e. individual bags of chips and cookies etc.
Pasta – boxes
Pasta Sauce – Jars
Diapers – sizes 3,4,& 5
Toilet paper

If you are able to donate any of these items, you can drop off at the food pantry during regular pantry hours, The Bank of Canton, Canton Co-Op Bank, Pratt Realters all during regular business hours.
Thank you!!